Sixth project meeting
The sixth project meeting (again) had to be held online. Among other items, the concept of the new prototype was presented. This concept combines research results from the areas of grey water purification, plant growth and photovoltaics. In April the new prototype will be set up in Weimar, so that an entire year will be available for further research in the three areas.
Progress of the sustainability assessment was also presented to the consortium. This combines the city of Cologne’s objectives with the UN Sustainable Development Goals and incorporates ecosystem services. As a next step, this concept will be filled with data from the various areas of VertiKKA.
All work packages were able to present further results on the following:
- Influence of photovoltaic modules on plant vitality
- optimisation of plant vitality through root heating
- cleaning performance of different sub-strates
- long-term stability of different films and electrical layout for the photovoltaic module.
Physical building measurements: initial results are available on moisture and temperature develop-ments between the module and the façades. These measurements will be continued with the new prototype. The development of the simulation of the entire module is progressing and will be filled with new research results.
All potential operators for the production and marketing of VertiKKA have been identified and a potential operator concept was presented. This will be refined after discussions with the City of Cologne.
A brief description of the concept of VertiKKA will be used to describe its legal basis in detail (this will be done in consultation with the approval authorities). Three short films will be produced to communicate the research results. Initial concepts for these are under development. Further actions such as a regular newsletter are planned. The results of an initial sociological survey have largely been evaluated: the results can now be incorporated into the communication strategy.
Last but not least: VertiKKA’s new logo has been signed off and the redesign of its website has started. VertiKKA can now appear in its new design.
We would like to welcome Urs Hildebrand from U.R.S. Land Management as a new member of the advisory board.
Broader discussions within the consortium were balanced by small group conversations during the project meeting. All in all, the online format worked well and it was a successful project meeting.