Third project meeting in Berlin
At the end of January, the entire consortium met for the third time to develop VertiKKA further. The meeting covered the exchange of initial re-search results, discussion of the current state of affairs and planning of further procedures. A visit to the Photovoltaic Institute (PI) laboratory in Berlin provided project members with an insight on the practicalities of hanging, façade-mounted photovoltaics and impressive initial motorised installations.
The first concrete progress in the development of VertiKKA was seen at this meeting. Prototype set-ups for wastewater management are ready, whilst those for greening are in planning and will be set up after delivery of the modules and ap-proval of the location. Testing of the greening modules can then start at the beginning of spring.
A first simulation model has been created and must now be fed with data. The legal framework has been analysed and a meeting with the build-ing authority in Cologne is being scheduled. Questionnaires for the accompanying sociologi-cal research were presented: these will be sent out in March.
Rounding off a productive day, the group visited the ufa-fabrik in the evening. A guided tour of the site enabled visitors to see the innovative exper-iments and set-ups for a self-turning agro-photovoltaic system on the roof, the reed bed treatment plant and the creative roof greening. The ufa-fabrik projects inspired further exchange and additional ideas for VertiKKA’s development.
At the end of the two days, the consortium said its farewells with new energy, an abundance of ideas and concrete plans for the next steps.
We look forward to the next meeting, where we expect to be able to present initial test results.